Dublin’s hugely popular bike sharing scheme, which has proven to be one of the most successful in the world, celebrates its fifth birthday today.

The recently rebranded Coca-Cola Zero dublinbikes turns 5 today, having racked up over 8 million bike journeys since its launch, with 2.5 million of those having been taken in the past year alone.

As a little birthday present, Coca-Cola Ireland put a reflector belt and saddle cover in the basket of each bike this morning, marking the scheme’s fifth birthday.

The bike sharing scheme is being expanded in the capital, with 1,500 bikes and 100 stations now available to the public.

dublinbikes 5th anniversary 2014
dublinbikes 5th birthday celebrations
Jim Keogan, Executive Manager in Dublin City Council’s Planning & Development Department said that this expansion has made it easier to meet demand for bikes as the scheme now covers a bigger part of the city. He also stated that long term membership has increased by about 45% in the past year, which shows that demand is growing all the time.

Thursday, 4th September this year witnessed the scheme’s busiest ever day with an incredible 13,614 journeys taken. So, no excuses, Dublin — get on your bike and ride!

dublinbikes logo

All photos © DUBLIN BUZZ




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