We are always looking for like-minded, creative, enthusiastic, outgoing people to join our team, and become part of something that will benefit them and the greater community.
If you think that you would be a good fit, do get in touch … we look forward to hearing from you!
We are currently looking for a Business Development manager, who will take full responsibility for all aspects of developing partnerships for the business, overseeing day to day sales and marketing duties, and general brand promotion.
This is a part-time position at the moment, entailing 20 hours per week. The position will be reviewed in time with a view to making it full time.
We produce content on a daily basis, and are always looking for new writing talent. We cover a wide range of topics, from the arts and culture to items of local interest, entertainment, travel, movies, food and drink, LGBTQ issues, and so much more!
If you are looking for an outlet for your creativity, get in touch with us today!
Lead image © creative soul; ‘Apply Now’ graphic © treenabeena