Ryanair has taken the plunge and joined Facebook, announcing its arrival with a competition open to all, entitled ’30 Names 30 Planes’.
Yes, it is 2015 and everyone, including your granny, has their own Facebook page, but only now has low budget airline Ryanair taken the plunge and joined the Zuckerberg network. The company already has a social media presence with Twitter, YouTube and Instagram accounts, but someone had obviously neglected to tell the powers that be that Facebook was also free.
Robin Kiely, Ryanair’s Head of Communications, said “Ryanair is pleased to launch our first official Facebook account on the very day we celebrate the 30th anniversary of our first flight, as we continue to grow our social media presence. We are already the fastest responding airline on Twitter in Europe, while our YouTube videos have been viewed over 6m times, and we are growing strongly on Instagram, with further social developments to come.”
To celebrate this new adventure in social media, which also coincides with the airline’s 30th birthday, Ryanair has also launched a competition entitled ‘30 Names 30 Planes’, offering 30 fans the chance to have their name and face pictured on one of 30 Ryanair aircraft.
Entry is strictly through the all new Ryanair Facebook page, where fans can upload their own photo and then download a video showing their own Ryanair aircraft bearing their name and face. The 30 lucky winners will be announced this September.
And as it is Ryanair’s 30th birthday, they also recently announced the release of one million seats for European flights, priced at €19.85 for travel between September and the end of January. These special birthday seats may be booked through the Ryanair website until midnight on Sunday, 12th July.
All images courtesy Ryanair Media Centre
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