The end of April will see Dublin play host to the ninth outing of The Beatyard, a bi-annual and cross-city music and arts festival.

The aim of The Beatyard is ‘to bring together enthusiasts of music, media and culture’ in the hopes that they’ll ‘meet like-minded people, and discover something new’. From Thursday the 24th of April until Sunday the 4th of May, ticketholders will have access to a glut of events, from film screenings in venues such as The Sugar Club and Mart, to live sessions held in Tower Records, to art exhibitions, installations, and club nights.

Run by Bodytonic (the music and events organisation that owns both The Twisted Pepper and The Bernard Shaw), this outing of the festival has seen organisers extending the amount of venues (25 and counting), and the range of events – dividing the festival into three categories (Music, Show & Tell, and Food & Drink).

The musical aspect of The Beatyard has a focus on DJs and alternative acts (Dmitri From Paris, Flight Facilities), though there is also pop (Arc Iris) and even rap (Big Daddy Kane). The drawing together of food, music, and art is also shaping up to be a big part of the events announced so far, with music mornings at The Fumbally café and a ‘beer and food pairing’ event at The Big Blue Bus to name but a few. Design events, and even alternative walking tours of Dublin, complete the line-up as so far released.

Despite the fact that it’s not taking place until the end of April, several of the events are already sold out, so you’d do well to get ahead of the game and grab tickets to those that catch your eye. In this regard, you can sign-up to receive a free lanyard (available for collection from The Twisted Pepper and The Bernard Shaw before 10pm any night from Monday 14th of April) which will get you 20% off of selected Beatyard events, first dibs on tickets for the more popular gigs, discounted Becks Vier, and access to the festival bar.

Get your Beatyard lanyard now!
With all that’s laid out so far, and considering that the full line-up of events is yet to be released, there’s going to be something for everyone here, and all is indicative of an urban festival that will be one of the most exciting events of the coming months; an excellent opener to the Dublin summer.

For a full list of venues and acts, access to the schedule, and to buy tickets, visit The Beatyard website or their Facebook page.

Beatyard Dublin lineup 2014

All images courtesy The Beatyard


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