The second annual Colour Dash takes place this July in Dublin, and is guaranteed to be another great day out and all for a very worthwhile cause.

On Saturday the 26th of July, the Phoenix Park will be inundated by hordes of well-meaning runners who have signed themselves up to an afternoon where they’ll complete a 5k while being pelted with multi-coloured powder. Which is all well and good…but why?

To raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society.

Now in its second year, the Colour Dash – pegged as the only paint run in Ireland where 100% of the funds raised are donated to charity – aims to raise money that will be directly used to fund the Irish Cancer Society’s free services (such as the National Cancer Helpline, and its Daffodil Centres) as well as going towards cancer research. Last year, an amazing €98,000 was raised.

Colour Dash press launch 2014
Participants can look forward to an incredibly fun day, where each kilometre of the race will be marked by the use of a different coloured powder to represent a different aspect of cancer – either a cancer that is to be defeated, or a survival that is to be celebrated. The colours – Purple for Cancer Survivorship, Yellow for Lung, Green for Bowel, Pink for Breast, or Blue for Prostate – will be used to utterly destroy the pristine white t-shirts that registered participants will receive as part of their registration packs. You needn’t worry about safety – the coloured powders are non-toxic, 100% natural and as safe as flour, and will wash out from your clothes (though old clothes – and white clothes! – are highly advised).

The Dash isn’t timed, and you can treat it like a marathon, or spend the day meandering along the course as you wish – there’s entertainment at the end for everyone to enjoy, whatever time you reach it at. While it is a relaxed day out, there are a couple of caveats: dogs and buggies are not allowed, for safety reasons, and children under-12 must be accompanied by an adult.

More fun and frolics with Colour Dash 2014
Registration for the Colour Dash can be done online and costs €30 per person, which is non-refundable. You may register as an individual, or as a member of a group including up to 6 people. Those who are interested in registering as part of a larger group, or getting involved through their work, can register by calling the Society’s Corporate Partnership Team on 01-231 6625, or by emailing them.

If you’d like to take part, however, you need to get a move on – places are filling up fast, and the online registration will close once they’re gone. Once you have successfully registered, you will receive a fundraising pack, which will include a white t-shirt, a fundraising guide, and most importantly a cover letter with your supporter number – this is your proof of registration for the day, so keep it handy! You can also volunteer as a marshal, colour thrower, or to help with registrations – those interested should email Sarah Dalton at the Irish Cancer Society.

The Dash will also be coming to Cork and Limerick, so those from further afield who may be interested should keep an eye on the Colour Dash Facebook page for further announcements.

For queries contact Call Save 1850 60 60 60 or email the Irish Cancer Society. And remember, all proceeds from the day go directly to the Irish Cancer Society.

Colour Dash 2014 in the Phoenix Park in Dublin

All photographs courtesy the Irish Cancer Society




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